The Cat’s Judgement (Panchatantra Stories In English)

The Cat’s Judgement – Panchatantra Stories In English

The Cat’s Judgement: A long time ago there was a forest where lived a lot of organisms. A large Peepul tree was situated in that forest. In the Peepul tree, a partridge lived.

The partridge made a beautiful nest for his living purpose and live there for a long time. Every day he left her nest for searching food and after consuming the food, he always returned to her nest in the evening time.

The Cat's Judgement (Panchatantra Stories In English)

So everything was normal and time flies. One day she meet with her two friends, and they discussed that they always consume one type of food and hence they became bored, even due to the same grains they lost their interest to consume food.

So, they thought that it was the right time to give a change in taste to their taste bud. So they decided to visit a place where farmers harvest a lot of.

According to their plan, they all started their journey from the nest to a new village. After migrating the long distance, they reached the corn field. After reaching the village when they saw a lot of corn grains then they became very happy and started to consume the corn seeds.

They became so busy consuming the corn grains and the time spent so quickly but it became late it’s become the time of sunset. One of her friends told her that this is not the right time to return home on that day as it is almost late, and it’s became evening within a few minutes.

So it will not be the right decision to return home. Her other friend also agreed with the proposal of her other friend. So then they come to a proper decision that they were to stay there at night.

On the next day, they again start eating the corn seeds and become very happy and decided that they will stay something there and then return home.

On the other side, rabbit was crossing across the peepul tree, then he noticed the beautiful nest of the tree. He thought that it is very beautiful and if please stay here then it will be very comfortable for him. So, he started living here.

Also thought that the nest is empty because nobody lives there and if anyone comes tomorrow then he will leave the place. No he permanently, please start to stay there.

After a few days, when the partridges became bored to consume one type of seed that is corn, they decided that they will not stay there anymore. So they all decide to return to their place.

According to their decision, this started their migration and all returned to their own nest, but the partridge who lived in the large peepul tree became amazed to see a rabbit in his nest.

Then the partridge told the rabbit that comes on from my nest. Then the rabbit told her that it is her house and how you are to tell him to come on from the nest. The partridge replied that it is her nest and she lived there for long years.

Then the rabbit told that if it is her house then why did she leave this place for a while he lived in that place for a few months, so he will not leave that place anyhow. Then an argument started between the rabbit and the partridge.

A clever cat noticed everything and listen to their conversation from the back of a tree and enjoy it. He thought that if anyhow he made them fool then he can easily consume them then he can get his food easily without any effort, and then it will be a delicious dish for his dinner.

In the meantime, the rabbit and the Partridge decided to take any advice from any other person, as their argument can be stopped. They also decided that they will obey the advice of the third person.

After listening to their words, the cat pretended as a Sage and started meditation under a tree, as the other organism thought of him as a Sage.

According to their decision, the cat, and the Partridge started walking and searching for a third person to take a bit of advice to find the final solution.

Suddenly they noticed a cat who sat down and meditate under a tree. To see the cat in that pose, the Partridge thought the cat as a holy person and told the cat this is the right person to take advice.

Then the rabbit told her that, if the holy creature was present in that forest. Then they noticed him, but they have never seen or even listen to the creature. So, it will be not painful to take any advice from him.

Partridge disagrees with the opinion of the rabbit and told that he is a super soul and that God send him to rescue them from that argument.

Though the rabbit doesn’t want to agree with her opinion, he had no other way, as there was no second person without the cat. So they went to the cat and told everything.

The cat pretend to listen to everything, but they did not listen to anything as he knows everything that actually happened.

The cat told that he listen to everything, and he found a way to rescue them from the argument, but they have to come closer to him as he can understand everything properly.

The rabbit and the partridge came closer to the cat and as soon as they came closer to him, the cat jumped into the body of the rabbit and the partridge and finally killed them.

So, the story of ‘The Cat’s Judgement’ ends here. Let’s know the moral of this story. What do we learn from “The Panchatantra story of The Cat’s Judgement ”?

Panchatantra Stories With Moral:

The moral of the story:  The Cat’s Judgement (Panchatantra Stories In English)

The Cat’s Judgement: Don’t take any advice from a random person.

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